Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Things people hate/love to hear on set.

There are certain things that people in certain positions or departments hate and love to hear when on a production set. I thought it'd be fun to list of some of these as I've been on both ends of these statements. Enjoy and feel free to add your own.


Things that a producer or AD hates to hear:

"One more"
"One more for safety"
"Last more"
"That was more"

What an AD hates to hear:

"She/he is still in make-up/wardrobe. 5 (more) minutes."
"I have no idea where they are."
"Actress/Actor isn't here yet."
"Waiting on audio"
"Audio no good"
"Boom in the shot"

What a crew hates to hear:

"We're out of food"
"There's no more coffee"
"Pizza is for lunch (for the 100th time)"


What a crew loves to hear:

"Moving on (to the next shot)"
"Lunch time!"
"That's a wrap!"

What an AD loves to hear:

"We're cutting that shot"
"We did that shot already"
"You can wrap [fill in name]"
"Audio was good"
"Actress/Actor is ready"