Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Things people hate/love to hear on set.

There are certain things that people in certain positions or departments hate and love to hear when on a production set. I thought it'd be fun to list of some of these as I've been on both ends of these statements. Enjoy and feel free to add your own.


Things that a producer or AD hates to hear:

"One more"
"One more for safety"
"Last more"
"That was more"

What an AD hates to hear:

"She/he is still in make-up/wardrobe. 5 (more) minutes."
"I have no idea where they are."
"Actress/Actor isn't here yet."
"Waiting on audio"
"Audio no good"
"Boom in the shot"

What a crew hates to hear:

"We're out of food"
"There's no more coffee"
"Pizza is for lunch (for the 100th time)"


What a crew loves to hear:

"Moving on (to the next shot)"
"Lunch time!"
"That's a wrap!"

What an AD loves to hear:

"We're cutting that shot"
"We did that shot already"
"You can wrap [fill in name]"
"Audio was good"
"Actress/Actor is ready"

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Want to be a producer?

Today I was asked by a colleague to part of his production team and one of the things the roles he mentioned was producing. I enjoy producing and I've come to like it a lot. It's been one of those things I didn't know much going into school and I have come to learn a lot about it.

Along the way, I have learned a couple of lessons about producing. Unfortunately, often times I learn these things too late and it's not a pleasant realization. Filmmaking is much like everything else: the foundation of the project must be set correctly or things may get out of control or out of hand really quickly.

When my colleague asked me today, a couple of questions came to my mind that I thought I'd share here. These are questions that should be asked to the filmmaker (usually the director):

1. When do you want to have a festival-ready cut ready for release?

This, of course, sets in motion all the other dates for pre-production, production and post-production.

2. Who is editing the film? And can he do the job within our time-frame?

I've come to realize this is important and you have to take this seriously. A super busy editor, even though he is good at what he does, may not be the best choice, depending on the time constraints.

3. What is the budget? Is anyone being paid?

Goes without saying. Having paid people changes a lot of things and opens up possibilities that having everyone do pro bono doesn't (duh!).

4. Where is this money coming from?

Again, goes without saying.

Lastly, and this is not a question, but YOU MUST READ THE SCRIPT before saying 'yes'. I know this sounds obvious, but working on a script you really don't dig will kill any gung-ho attitude you may have. You may do it anyways but at least know what you're going to do be dealing with.

Those are probably not all the questions and things you must think about when getting onto a project. It also may not be relevant for the higher level filmmaking, where some of these decisions may have already been made. At a low-level of independent filmmaking, though, you'll want to make sure you don't just take anything because that marks you prospective projects to come.

Till next time... (I know, I have yet to finish those LAFF reviews, I will get there soon)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

2010 LAFF SRR: Street Days, dir. Levan Koguashvili

2010 LAFF Screen Report and Reaction: Street Days, dir. Levan Koguashvili GEORGIA (warning: spoiler in the Reaction portion)

Screen Report

When I first saw on the official program a film from Georgia, I wondered when film festivals started listing the state in which the film was produced. It was shortly after Street Days began I learned that it was the country of Georgia from which this film came. I’m just kidding, of course, but I think most of the audience at the screener knew little about Georgia (minus that whole spat with Russia) and probably even fewer have been to Georgia or watched a film from there. That being said, I must’ve heard a couple of wow’s when the credits appeared in the very first frame, which was written in Kartuli, the native script of Georgians. It looked like something out of Lord of the Rings and right then and there most of the audience probably realized they were in for a voyage to a new world that seems as distant as Middle-Earth.

That journey that transpired on the screen was much less a drive through the countryside and more of a roller coaster of emotions, varying with unexpected speed and intensity. It is a style that is reflected throughout the film, with (dark) humor quickly turning into tragedy and prodding conversation flipping at once to physical violence. We see this as well in the film’s bigger picture, as dir. Koguashvili guides us through this small corner of the world called Georgia, two thoughts become apparent: This is a film where the nuances and sensibilities of both culture and language, of history and perspective, will make it hard for audiences to fully understand. That was certainly a prevailing thought as I watched this film, that I’m missing the subtleties that someone familiar with Georgia or is Georgian would understand. Far from being a deterrent to the film, though, I found this handicap rather as a point of positive engagement and watched with a genuine curiosity much like an outsider looking in. This film isn’t entirely indecipherable, however. The social issues and consequences of drugs, gangs, corruption and social stagnation that travels along with our main protagonist Checkie (Guga Kotetishvili) are certainly understandable and digestible. In addition, the film is interesting for the mere fact that, in my opinion, even the well-versed Western film critic becomes a typical tourist; in other words, it’s a pioneering journey of a new experience for all who wish to travel, leaving behind any preconceived notion (if there could be any) of a world like this.

On screen, Street Days is inherently bleak and almost every way depressing. Soviet-era architecture and design are evident in the buildings but there is nothing redeeming either in the building or in the street. The dilapidated roads, sidewalks and walls are pock-marked and the trees that line the roads are stripped of any signs of life. Add these drab images with the winter-clothed characters of the film and the screen image might as well have been monochrome instead of Technicolor. The characters themselves, of course, are a reflection of their surrounding aesthetics, middle-aged men hanging around, in front of the school no less, all day long jonesing for a hit of heroine. It is indeed a sad picture and certainly mirrors the image of Russia’s “lost generation” as we witness this slice of life in a former Soviet-bloc member.

One can’t help reacting to the film with sad and solemn feelings, a heavy heart that wonders how a world wrapped in that kind of social turmoil can find hope. In the ending scene with Checkie and Ika (Irakli Ramishvili), Dir. Koguashvili gives us a glimmer of hope, a small notion that there still exists goodness and a moral conscience, embodied within our main protagonist. However, this is not without a great price and a sobering realization that any hope is still not within the realistic imagination. As the film ends, dir. Koguashvili brings us to the classroom of singing children, prodding audiences to take note of the next generation and to ask the question “who is next?” Is there hope or will the vicious cycle continue?

Screen Reaction

Heard around the theater:
"great, liked it"..."interesting character with moral conscience"..."didn't understand whether that school was a good school...why was the wealthy son at that school? and what about the rich girl?"..."bleak scenery but there were moments of compassion"..."slow in the beginning but picked up in the middle"..."when the father jumped out, very powerful and there was a run of emotions in that moment"

2010 LAFF SRR: Judge (Touxi), dir. Jie Liu

2010 LAFF Screen Report and Reaction: Judge (Touxi), dir. Jie Liu CHINA (warning: there may be spoilers)

Screen Report

At first glance, it would be easy for Western audiences watching a film about China and its wrestling of jurisprudence and say that the means to the end were obviously justified. Judge is, after all, more a film of social commentary; pure entertainment it was not. Even as someone who has some sense of Chinese sensibilities, I found myself surprised at how formally Chinese law was being acknowledged (at least in the way it was being presented), having been inundated my entire life about China's corruption and the wide-spread fraud in the legal system. And certainly that is somewhat on display here in this film, with the lawyer of a wealthy businessman dealing in the illegal transaction of human organs for money. However, this film is far more complicated and complex than meets the eye, reflecting Chinese society and its tension for place in a modern world and the perspective in which the world views China.

The mise-en-scène and the way cinematographer Ryuji Otsuka shot the film reflected this tension. Most of the film was shot in the shadows, with Director Jie Liu perfectly fine with characters moving in and out of it. Most of the light came from the natural motivation of windows and there was very little attempt to light specifically for the faces, with the noticeable exception of the vignette involving the wealthy businessman. This was especially affective in the hallways that the judges walked and the prison cell where inmates shuffled, exemplifying the tension of law and corruption, light and shadow, as the characters move in and out of visibility. In addition, the general bluish/greyish-hue of the frame created a drab and somewhat dreary picture that certainly helped underline the emotions of each vignette. The visual impact is further underscored by the audio choices that were made, namely the lack of musical score and presence of ambient noise/silence. The decision not have a music score is in line with other Chinese films of this type (e.g. "Still Life", dir. Zhang Ke Jia CHINA) and it certainly is a good decision. In it's place is the shifting between bleak silence to piercing noise; the most poignant being the ankle chains of the main inmate (Dao Qi), shuffling along the cell floor, reminding the audience of the dreadfulness of his circumstance and the harshness of a legal system being obeyed.

Outside of the film's main arc are some well-versed moral concerns and tragedy, identifiable to the outside world: the judge (Dahong Ni) losing his one child and coming home to a distant wife, the judge losing his cat (alluding to his remaining "child") to a benign law and the frustration of being given a taste of his own medicine by the local policeman, the pain of the wealthy businessman and his girlfriend frantically looking for a kidney transplant. It's a hodgepodge of concerns both old and new and their connection to each other again reflects the complexity of the law and the human life which they are set up against. Ultimately, in a progressive way and a perhaps a giving in to a mainstream audience's desire for proper resolution, director Jie Liu ends up giving the audience most of what it wants.

However, when the inmate is taken out to the field to receive his sentence of execution by firing squad, the hope of progression is still in serious doubt. In the moment of truth, the shot in the field is powerful and well-composed: a long and wide shot of the field and hill of the execution "stage", all the players are shown, the prisoner in the foreground, knelt down, while all around the shallow hill are officials of law, an ambulance with nurses ready to transport the body to the hospital for transplant, and our judge who the audience is looking to be the hero. All of this, in a scene that is finally out in the light, is the final culmination of that that has occurred in the shadows and this extended cut captures the whole sense of Chinese society and law; there is progress before us but not without tension. The pay-off is in this scene and it is powerfully played, but even as we come to the film's narrative resolution, the film returns to the shadows and drab and once again reminds the (Western) audience about the pace of progress here in the East.

Overall, Judge is a solid look into China and the issues it faces. It isn't much for entertainment or even the (sometimes humorous) irony in the work of Zhang Ke Jia, but in it's own right should suffice as good study in East Asian film studies and Chinese-West discourse.

Screen Reaction

Heard around the theater: "plot and acting good"..."slow progress, but well-conveyed and good interaction with faces"..."liked it, needed to be slow because the guy was depressed"..."good energy, progress, life was restored [at the end]"...

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Review: 2010 Los Angeles Film Festival

The 2010 Los Angeles Film Festival is now over and done with, so now it is appropriate to take a look back on the event. I see that indieWire News already wrote a overview piece here, but having talked to about a dozen or more festival goers in some detail, I hope that I can give a more ground up perspective/review regarding the festival. I will review the films as I write them this week, however, this post will be just the festival in general. (Note: Unless an official website is available, the following links are links to IMDB by default)

An Overview
In general, I really enjoyed my time at the 2010 LAFF. It was my first time spending any extended length of time in downtown LA and it was surprisingly a lively and fun experience. It definitely helped that I stayed nearby and that my naturally curious mind helped me explore downtown LA a little bit more. The staff and volunteers were very nice and helpful in general. The only real issue I noticed was that early in the week there seemed to be some confusion and mild frustration regarding the ticketing process. I myself had to go between the ticketing tent at the parking lot and the ticketing counter at Regal Cinemas a number of times to clear up an issue I had with my film pass. I also witnessed a number of festival-goers express some frustration at both the ticketing tent and the Regal counters, having been told they were in the wrong location. However, it seemed as the week went by things got a little bit smoother. I think this issue may be attributed to being at LA downtown for the first year, with many operational kinks still being discovered with a new location.

I don't know if this is related since I haven't been to previous year's LAFF but I was a little bit surprised by the emptiness of some of the screenings and relatively small crowd. I estimate maybe 40-50 for the first 4 films I saw, 3 of which were on the weekend. For "Marwencol" and "Dog Sweat", perhaps having caught some quick buzz, had significantly more and filled out the theater a little better. Honestly, I thought it was okay, as someone else noted, since it helped with what could've been potential crowding at the theater. I was also a little bit disappointed I didn't have any Q&A's till the last day I was there with "Marwencol" and "Dog Sweat"...however, I considered my last day my lucky day since I did get two Q&A's. I thought it was pretty cool that they opened their Live.Create Zone Perfect Lounge to the public during the day (before 4pm) for people to escape the heat, enjoy some live music, do some communal painting, surf the web and chat with other film-goers.

Overall, the festival seemed well-run and organized, minus the ticketing issues. I think having a year under their belt at this venue will help with the flow of things in years to come.

Films I saw: Orly, dir. Angela Schanelec FRANCE; Judge (Touxi), dir. Jie Liu CHINA; Street Days, dir. Levan Koguashvili GEORGIA; Café Noir, dir. Jung Sung-il S. KOREA; Dog Sweat dir. Hossein Keshavarz IRAN; Marwencol dir. Jeff Malmberg USA.

Films I wished I saw: Mr. Okra, dir. T.G. Herrington (Short), Parade, dir. Isao Yukisada JAPAN; Four Lions dir. Christopher Morris UK; Centurion, dir. Neil Marshall UK; and the premiere of Despicable Me (Ok, so that's not an indie film but oh well)

Stand-out survey (panel of 12): Greg and Cindy from Minnesota gave big props to "Animal Kingdom" and also commended "The New Year" and "The Kids Are Alright"... Tina and Greg, who claimed to have watched about 3 films/day at 2010 LAFF had much praise for "Marwencol", "Hello, Lonesome" and "Madagascar" (Short), which appeared before "Camera, Camera"... Ed claimed his favorite was "Parade" (in japanese), which Tina had said she also liked.... Mindy and Steve (avid cinephiles) from LA gave big props to "Waiting for Superman" and "A Family"... Other individuals didn't specify anything that stood out... I had asked Tina if she had caught any "uplifting" films (since I didn't in my choices), she said "no" in general, but said "New Year" had the "possibility of hope" but that it wasn't "necessarily uplifting".

Festival takes: Tina said "it works well logistically", claiming the parking is better and the central location of the screenings helped in comparison with Westwood (the previous location), she said, however, there wasn't much food for the budget-conscious and she started packing her own lunch (which I think is smart, regardless)... Greg and Cindy said that they've so far enjoyed their experience (and first time in California) and that "everyone [was] very nice" at the festival... Mindy said the festival was less "intensive" since she is not traveling to the festival but she did mention that parking is expensive downtown... one other individual I didn't get the name of who went to previous LAFF's stated the new location made it somewhat difficult since he now had to travel to this new location... One individual had told me he though the festival seemed well-run, he was thoroughly "disappointed" by the quality of the films in this year's festival...There seems to have been some pointed discussion regarding attaching both the premiere of "Twilight: Eclipse" and "Despicable Me" to the official festival program, one side which says it helps draw new audiences that would've not known about LAFF otherwise and one side which says it muddles the festival's identity as a voice for indie film (as FIND is a LAFF supporter)...

Film Reviews:
I will be writing a number of reviews of the films I watched during the 2010 LAFF. In addition, I will hope to incorporate the opinions and reactions of the audiences at the screening, giving a multi-layered perspective to the review. They will be coming out in the days and weeks to come (hopefully not too many weeks). I look forward to reading your responses to these films as well.

Stay Tuned! Thanks for reading this!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

LAFF FMkers Interview: Hannah Sullivan, Future FMker Showcase

(note: I wanted to get this out before the other reviews because on the off chance someone is reading this, they might still get a chance to watch the final screening on Saturday June 26th @ 3:00pm of Hannah Sullivan’s Love…Forever & Always)

My first interview on this blog and it’s a good one. No, this is not the director of any of the feature films I wanted to interview but (probably) one of the youngest filmmaker’s with a film here at the festival.

Before I go on, I must make a disclaimer. This wasn’t a great interview. It was my first one and I was kind of nervous. I didn’t stick with the questions I had written beforehand or they turned out to be not so good questions. I think if I had another go around I would’ve asked different questions. So this is my bad. If you’re (or your family is) reading this Hannah, I apologize for my poor journalistic skills. I’m a rookie.

That being said, let me introduce to you Hannah Sullivan. She hails from Pacific Coast HS in Tustin, CA and just finished her freshman year there. This film, called Love…Forever & Always, was a product of her own undertaking, and was filmed at her home. Her family also played a role in the production of the film, with her brother and future DP, Spencer Sullivan, as, well, the DP. In addition to directing the film, Hannah also edited it and was one of the two actresses in the film (with her cousin Alison Dubbert being the other), an impressive feat, dare I say.

Unfortunately, I won’t do the synopsis justice here as my notes are incomplete at best, but at 4 minutes, it just needs to be watched and not described. I will note that this is a family-inspired (surprise!) story, with the relationship between her mother and her mother’s sister as the central focus.

I asked her what was one of the things she learned making this (her first) film. She said that she learned about the interesting dynamic of directing and acting in the same film and how they are so much “separate worlds,” and it is something she will bring into her next film. (She did a great job plugging “the next film.” Very well played.) She seems bright and positive and I sense great things for this young filmmaker for years to come.

Also unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to watch this film and will not be able to, unless she wants to send me a screener. I am definitely curious about it as it has gotten into a number of film festivals worldwide, which is quite the achievement. For those of you who are not at the LAFF or didn’t have the chance to catch this film (like me), Love… will also being playing at the Santa Cruz Film Festival, Method Fest, and Sydney Youth Film Festival.

Once again, Love… will be playing one last time at the 2010 LAFF at the downtown Regal Cinemas this Saturday June 26th at 3pm in the LAFF Future Filmmaker Showcase, High School Program 1. Tickets are $5 at the door and I’m sure there will be plenty of tickets left. Come out and support future filmmakers!

Also once again, I apologize to Hannah and co. that my interview here is not as thorough as it could’ve been. I will make sure to improve next time!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Okay, sorry

I tried to export from one e-mail account to another, but unfortunately my previous e-mail account has the domain "refinefilms" so I have to wait 3 months before it clears Google's systems. This will be the temporary address until I can get that one back.

Thanks. I look forward to updating this throughout LA Film Festival.

I RSVP'd to Shorts Program 3 (esp. "Mr. Okra") and Judge (CHN, Jie Liu), and I'm still deciding the schedule for the other films. Maybe I'll score an interview! I will be there Friday and Saturday all day, not sure about the other days. Trying to maximize the time there so I don't have to buy too many parking passes.

Anyways, a lot of things to prepare before I go to LA.

See ya soon!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Welcome to the Refine Films Blog!

This Thursday I will be heading off to the LA Film Festival and I figured it was a good excuse to start a film-related blog for all my film-related activities and thoughts. This was one of those good suggestions that was relayed to me as I start this thing called my "film career," so here I am.

Hopefully, I can score some interviews with some people this week as I hang around LA and create some buzz with this blog for other filmmakers, in addition to reviews of the films I'll be watching.

Is there a film worth watching at this festival? Well, I looked through the program and got a list of the films I'd like to watch. I don't think I can watch all of them ($12 a pop!) but hopefully I'll get a couple of features and some short programs under my belt.